Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here I am in my Teddy Bear costume. It was a nice day to go trick or treating. I got lots of candy, but somehow it wasn't me who ate any of it...Hmmm....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bethany Beach

It's been a long time since I've shown my face! I've been busy. Here I am at the beach a few weeks ago, buried half way in the sand! I LOVED kicking my feet in the ocean and walking in the sand with some help. I mostly ate the sand I played with...

I started crawling (actually moving somewhere) a week before we went to the beach. I'm getting better every day. Now I just have to start working on my language skills, but I'm too concentrated on moving to think about it. I'm also grabbing things with my hands better.

All in all, it's been an exciting transformation in the last few months. I make my mom and dad very proud.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Visiting California

Here I am with my Vikas Kaka in The Grove, an eatery in Los Angeles. I got to stay with my Neha Phai and Ameesh Phua who took very good care of me and my parents. I hope they come visit me too! We did a lot of fun stuff together. It's too bad I had to leave the sunny weather behind...
I did pretty well on the airplane, believe it or not! Next time I'll be sure to bring my earplugs. Those other babies were soooo loud!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sima gets engaged!

Here I am at my Sima's engagement party. I got a new short haircut and got dressed up in some nice Indian clothes. I got to hang out with a lot of great people that are family friends. Everyone wanted to hold me! In this picture my mommy's holding me and my Sima is kissing my cheek! It's hard to be so irresistable...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Walk for Epilepsy

This weekend was quite eventful. I went to DC to participate in the Walk for Epilepsy around the mall. We saw the cherry blossoms, the Kite Festival, and all the monuments! It was so cold outside so I was very bundled and had my blankee at my feet. Since I was in my stroller the whole time, I fell asleep here and there... I met some old and new friends. My entire family was there, which was so nice, even my Ba (Paternal Grandma) with an injured ankle. I met Ben and Lauren, whose parents got to know mine when I was sick. We had fun playing with each other after the walk. Mommy made some cupcakes for everyone at the end. All in all, it was quite an adventure, but I'm glad I was a part of it!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!

Rohan turns one today and had a fun filled day! He met with his feeding therapist in the morning, but afterward went to some of the neighbors' houses with cupcakes! Rohan tasted some payesh (Indian rice pudding) and a cupcake with chocolate frosting today... He wasn't quite sure about either of them. I bet with more tastes, he will definitely be a chocolate lover like his parents!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rohan -- the Yogi

I've been watching my mommy's yoga dvds lately, and I've learned some new moves. Here I am doing an Updog! I have excellent abs since I do leg lifts all the time. I also do the Tabletop move (on my hands and knees). I do other moves that don't have names yet... I should start my own classes!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Learning how to swim

Mommy and I have been going to the pool with my friend Connor every week this month. I'm kinda like a fish, I don't mind putting my face in the water. Or doing the back stroke... It's all good to me. I'm starting to enjoy splashing more in the bathtub too.

My rubber ducky and I are pretty tight...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My New Mesho

My Sima (Aunt Simi) is getting married in October so now I have a new Mesho (uncle) to play with. We had a lot fun making noises at each other. He did his donald duck impression for me, which was...interesting.. ha ha! I can tell we're gonna be pals!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My busy schedule

It's really packed! I have all sorts of therapists coming to the house almost everyday, also sometimes Mommy takes me to see other therapists outside the house. I am starting some swim classes soon and trying out music classes! It's hard to keep track of everything...
Here I am standing up almost by myself. I'm getting stronger with so much working out. I'm starting to rock back and forth on my hands and knees. Crawling is hopefully around the corner!

Friday, February 29, 2008

When am I getting a bike Mom?

Here is another great shot of me in a really cool biker jacket my Tutun mashi gave me a while back. Mommy said "no motorcycles until I'm 1,000 years old".
I guess I'll just have to wait...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cowboys and...the Indian!

Dima went to visit my Raja Mama and Mami in Dallas. She brought back a very cool cowboy hat which I'm sporting here! I don't know much about being a cowboy, but I know a lot about being an Indian.
Does that count??

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

I'm wearing red to dress appropriately for this special day! I know...I'm hard to resist! Don't worry ladies, there's enough of me to go around!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Look at how much I've grown!

I'm getting taller everyday. I'm growing into my weight too! This is me with my post-EEG head hairstyle. I wouldn't recommend it to all you babies looking for a new do... I hate getting all that wax on my head (and mommy hates cleaning it afterward). I'm learning how to look at people more now with help from therapists, my family, and mirrors! They are the best, cause it's fun to see that cute guy staring back at me!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Working out

Believe it or not...that blue ball is bigger than I am. I roll around on top when I'm practicing my standing. Soon I'll get some more workouts from the occupational therapists, but until then, my mommy is relentless! Daddy rolls on the floor with me and we both make lots of noise. Mommy's not sure who's worse...