Monday, May 11, 2009

My First Real BooBoo

I fell and hit my head on the side of the ottoman. Mommy and Daddy took me to the ER this weekend and I was pretty upset, but I calmed down once I left. I didn't get stitches this time, just glue and steristrips. I'm not sure how long this will stay on before I take them off. At least I'm laughing about it now... I don't think Daddy is .. he's thinking about how many more boo boos are in my future!! Mommy is hoping for no major scars...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year!

Sorry, I'm a little late... It has been a very busy few months for me. I am going to start another type of therapy (called ABA Therapy) at the end of the month to help me with communicating and using my hands. It took some time to get everything set up, but we are all excited about it.

I am learning a few signs too! I am also becoming a little destructive and mischevious. I like to knock things off tables and break keys off keyboards. It's a "toddler" thing...